Common JST Connector Types

March 12, 2024 / Sam Tang

JST is short for Japanese Solderless Terminal. It's a Japanese connector manufacturer founded in 1957. It has a wide selection of connetors. Thus JST connector is not a connector type, but a one of different types of connectors manufactured by JST.

By Connector Feature
By Connector Category
  • Low-profile
  • With secure locking device
  • Depth space saving
  • Waterproof
  • High electric current capacity
  • Absorbing PC board misalignment
  • For FPC with protrusion
  • High withstanding voltage
  • With an inertia lock mechanism
  • For LED lamp
  • High-speed transmission
  • Sequence structure
  • Crimp Style Connectors (Wire-to-Board Board-in type)
  • Crimp Style Connectors (Wire-to-Board Board-in type)
  • Insulation Displacement Connectors (Wire-to-Board type)
  • Insulation Displacement Connectors (Wire-to-Board Board-in type)
  • Board-to-Board Connectors
  • Card Edge Connectors
  • FFC/FPC Connectors
  • Ribbon Cable Connectors
  • Card Connectors
  • Coaxial Connectors
  • Interface Connection Connectors
  • ire-to-Wire Connectors
  • Automotive Connectors
  • Chain Terminals/Splices
  • Spring Type
  • Compatible with Glow Wire Test
  • Other Connectors (Including headers)
  • Solderless Terminals
  • Solderless Splices

Common JST connector types:

  • SH ( pitch: 1.0mm / 0.039 inch) what is pitch size?
  • GH (pitch: 1.25mm / 0.049 inch)
  • ZH (pitch: 1.50mm / 0.059 inch)
  • PH (pitch: 2.0mm / 0.079 inch)
  • PA (pitch: 2.0mm / 0.079 inch)
  • XH (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)
  • XA (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)
  • SM (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)
  • EH (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)
  • VH (pitch: 3.96mm / 0.156 inch)

Why are these common types of JST connectors? I believe they are widely used in daily consumer products and are easy to use for engineers and amateurs alike. For instance, when you have a low-cost handle crimp tool to create connections, they become even more accessible. Moreover, there are numerous topics on the internet about them, indicating their prevalence.

SH (pitch: 1.0mm / 0.039 inch)

JST SH connector

According to JST, it's the world's first 1.0mm pitch crimp style connector. It's a single row wire to board connector system. 2-20pin. Compact and low profile design.

Part Numbers:

"02" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
Housing, with flangeSHR-02V-S-B
Housing, without flangeSHR-02V-S
TerminalSSH-003T-P0.2-H32~28 AWG
Header, top entryBM02B-SRSS-TB
Header, side entrySM02B-SRSS-TB

Quick links: JST SH Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A1001

GH (pitch: 1.25mm / 0.049 inch)

JST GH connector

JST GH is a single row wire to board connector system. 2-15pin. Developed for to PDP, LCD or small electronics equipments.

Part Numbers:

"02" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSSHL-002T-P0.230~26 AWG
Header, top entryBM02B-GHS-TBT
Header, side entrySM02B-GHS-TB

Quick links: JST GH Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A1257

ZH (pitch: 1.50mm / 0.059 inch)

JST ZH Connector

JST ZH is a single row wire to board connector system. 2-13 pin. 

Part Numbers:

"2" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSZH-003T-P0.532~28 AWG
TerminalSZH-002T-P0.528~26 AWG
Header, top entry, through-holeB2B-ZR
Header, side entry, through-holeS2B-ZR
Header, top entry, SMTB2B-ZR-SM4-TF
Header, side entry, SMTS2B-ZR-SM4-TF

Quick links: JST ZH Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A1500

PH (pitch: 2.0mm / 0.079 inch)

JST PH connector

JST PH is a single row wire to board connector system. 2-16 pin. 

Part Numbers:

"2" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSPH-002T-P0.5S30~24 AWG
TerminalSPH-002T-P0.5L28~24 AWG
TerminalSPH-004T-P0.5S32~28 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB2B-PH-K-S
Header, side entry, through holeS2B-PH-K-S
Header, top entry, SMTB2B-PH-SM4-TB
Header, side entry, SMTS2B-PH-SM4-TB

Quick links: JST PH Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A2001

PA (pitch: 2.0mm / 0.079 inch)

JST PA connector

JST PA is a single row wire to board connector system. 2-16 pin. 

Part Numbers:

"02" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSPHD-001T-P0.526~22 AWG
TerminalSPHD-002T-P0.528~24 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB02B-PASK-1
Header, side entry, through holeS02B-PASK-2
Header, top entry, SMTBM02B-PASS
Header, side entry, SMTSM02B-PASS

Quick links: JST PA Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A2007

XH (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)

JST XH connector

JST XH is a single row wire to board connector system. 1-20 pin. 

Part Numbers:

"2" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSXH-001T-P0.6N26~22 AWG
TerminalSXH-002T-P0.630~26 AWG
TerminalSXH-001T-P0.628~22 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB3B-XH-A
Header, side entry, through holeS3B-XH-A
Header, side entry, SMTS3B-XH-SM4-TB3, 4, 6 pin

Quick links: JST XH Datasheet (PDF); LDZY cross: A2501

XA (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)


JST XH is a single row wire to board/wire connector system. 2-20 pin for wire to board, and 2-15 pin for wire to wire. 

Part Numbers:

"02" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
Housing, femaleXAP-02V-1
Housing, maleXARR-02VF
Housing, male (panel locks)XARR-02V
Terminal, femaleSXA-001T-P0.628~22 AWG
Terminal, femaleSXA-01T-P0.624~20 AWG
Terminal, femaleSXA-001T-P0.6L26~22 AWG
Terminal, maleSXAM-001T-P0.628~22 AWG
Terminal, maleSXAM-01T-P0.624~20 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB02B-XASK-1
Header, side entry, through holeS02B-XASS-1
Header, top entry, SMTBM02B-XASS-TF

Quick links: JST XH wire to board , JST XH wire to wire (PDF); LDZY cross: A2508

SM (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)

JST SM connector

JST SM is a single row wire to wire connector system. 2-18 pin.

Part Numbers:

"02" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
Housing, femaleSMP-02V-BCblack
Housing, femaleSMP-02V-NCwhite
Housing, maleSMR-02V-Bblack
Housing, maleSMR-02V-Nwhite
Terminal, femaleSHF-001T-0.8BS28~22 AWG
Terminal, maleSYM-001T-P0.628~22 AWG

Quick links: JST SM (PDF); LDZY cross: C2505

EH (pitch: 2.50mm / 0.098 inch)

JST EH connector

JST EH is a single row wire to wire connector system. 2-15 pin.

Part Numbers:

"2" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSEH-001T-P0.630~22 AWG
TerminalSEH-003T-P0.6L32~28 AWG
TerminalSEH-002T-P0.6L30~26 AWG
TerminalSEH-001T-P0.6L26~22 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB2B-EH
Header, side entry, through holeS2B-EH

Quick links: JST EH (PDF); LDZY cross: A2502

VH (pitch: 3.96mm / 0.156 inch)

JST VH connector

JST VH is a single row wire to wire connector system. 2-11 pin.

Part Numbers:

"2" in part number of housing or header indicates the number of positions (pins).

DescriptionPart NumberNote
TerminalSVH-21T-P1.122~18 AWG
TerminalSVH-41T-P1.120~16 AWG
Header, top entry, through holeB2P-VH
Header, side entry, through holeB2PS-VH

Quick links: JST VH (PDF); LDZY cross: A3961

Common JST Connector Comparison

Following is a comparison chart of common JST connector types. You can get all alternatives from LDZY Electronics.

Note: wb = wire to board, ww = wire to wire
LDZY seriesA1001A1257A1500A2001A2007A2501A2508C2505A2502A3961
circuit size2 - 202 - 152 - 132 - 162 - 161 - 202 - 152 - 182 - 152 - 11
current rating1A1A1A2A3A3A3A3A3A10A
voltage rating50V50V50V100V250V250V250V250V250V250V
applicable wire (AWG)32 - 2830 - 2632 - 2632 - 2428 - 2230 - 2228 - 2028 - 2232 - 2222 - 16
configurationswbwbwbwbwbwbwb, wwwwwbwb
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LDZY electronics is a China manufacturer of connectors and custom cable assemblies (flat ribbon cable assemblies, discrete-wire cable assemblies, overmolded cable assemblies)
Address: No. 3 Yanxing 2nd road, Yan’gang Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City, China
Tel: +86 769 8532 7562
Fax: +86 769 8532 7563
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